Not able to set the the required 'Default field' when creating a Widget the type of 'Text' for a Word Cloud VisualizationIssue When attempting to create a new Widget the type of 'Text' for a Word Cloud Visualization, it is impossible to submit the record because the mandatory field 'Default field' does not auto-populate and cannot be set manually. CauseThe [sys_dictionary] record for the 'Default field' field is dependent on the field that is named "Indicator Source Fact Table' (cube_facts_table)". Since the code 'g_form.setValue' is used to the default field value, this means that the "Indicator Source Fact Table' (cube_facts_table) must on the form for the 'Default field' field to be set.ResolutionNavigate to the [pa_widgets] form.Right-click on the form header.Click on Configure-->Form LayoutMove the 'Indicator Source Facts Field' field from the Available slush bucket to the Selected slush bucket.Repeat the steps to recreate the Widget > the 'Default field" should now be available.Related LinksOut of the box the 'Indicator Source Facts Field' (cube_facts_table) is hidden from the Widgets form because it is read-only.