Unable to create a Related List on the attachment table in Mobile StudioIssue Unable to create a Related List based on the sys_attachment table in Mobile Studio. There is no Related List definition for the attachment table. Below an example on how to reproduce the issue.Steps to add a Related List based on the sys_attachment table for incident table: 1. Create an applet to display incidents, ensure you are able to display the incidents from Mobile. 2. Create a new Data Item on the sys_attachment table3. Add a string parameter 4. Submit 5. Go to the Query condition and select the field of the table to the parameter6. Save 7. Create a new applet, select a screen, select only detail and list8. Under Data item, select the list that you just created9. Select the mapping fields.10.Turn off the Display option for the applet since this is list only. 11. Then go to the applet incidents, then Related list Expected behaviorA relationship for the attachment table should be displayed in the list. Actual behaviorNo relationship exists for the attachment table.CauseSo far, attachments are not supported in Mobile Studio related list items.ResolutionThe behavior has been reported in PRB1357085, where Development confirmed this is working as expected. If this desired functionality, please create an Enhancement Request can be created from HI as follow: Self-Service > Enhancement Requests Note that several factors contribute to the overall prioritization of an enhancement request,and not all will necessarily become part of the product.