CMDB Baseline doesn't update/capture the changes made to the fields of CIIssue CMDB Baseline created for "cmdb_ci_hardware" table doesn't capture the changes made to the fields of any CIs. ReleaseAny releaseCauseThe probable cause would be, some CIs may not have existed at the time the baseline was created, andit only lists changes of the CI's since the baseline was re-created.ResolutionIn order to fix the issue, Delete the existing Baseline which is in place and create a new Baseline. (e.g. Name "Hardware baseline" for "cmdb_ci_hardware" table.)Once the baseline calculation gets completed, take 2 CI's from different table and perform the changes to the fields.In this case, a CI from the table "u_cmdb_ci_hybrid_device" and another CI from "cmdb_ci_linux_server" were taken and tried changing a few field attributes.The changes made to the CI from the table "u_cmdb_ci_hybrid_device" weren't captured in the baseline because the corresponding table "u_cmdb_ci_hybrid_device" was not audited. The changes made to the CI from the table "cmdb_ci_linux_server" were captured in the baseline because the table "cmdb_ci_linux_server" was audited. Related LinksBehavior: The baseline for the table will be calculated only when the corresponding table is Audited. Documentation reference: Baseline CMDB