Splunk integration not creating Events/IncidentsIssue After upgrading the Release, Splunk integration is not creating Events/Incidents. Incident integration was working fine but event integration was not working.ResolutionIt is recommended to engage Splunk Support on this issue.Splunk Support updated a module in Splunk to resolve this issue.Related LinksThere are 2 types of Splunk Integrations: Developed by ServiceNow under Security Operations: https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=setup-splunk-integration.html&version=latestmlDeveloped by Splunk: https://store.servicenow.com/sn_appstore_store.do#!/store/application/bac6db564f6a3100a0fc7d2ca310c721/1.1.7?referer=sn_appstore_store.do%23!%2Fstore%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dsplunk Please try to understand if the issue is with a ServiceNow-developed offering or a Splunk offering. It's advised to engage Splunk Support if they are using the second option.