Achieve the group by date results in the report when there are only date/time fields in the tableIssue Not able to find the records per date when data grouped by date/time fields.In the below screenshot, the data is grouped by created(date/time) field, so we see the records grouped by per second.For e.g.Created: 2019-07-25 20:49:49 (1) and Created: 2019-07-25 20:49:09 (1) The records in the example above are created in the gap of 40 seconds which is why they treated as different group by the report. CauseWhenever we group by any date/time field, we get records per each group i.e. second. Reason for the above is each second is unique so is treated as a group.Creating a report will by-default show us the report for the same day, 2 days ago and so on per the global configuration defined in the sys_report_range table. ResolutionIn order to achieve the data per date even when grouping the data by date/time field please follow the below approach.This can only be achieved using the time series reports.Please find the documentations link, column report creation, for the steps to create the column report.Point to remember here is please do select the trend by as required data/time field and per field as date in the configure tab on report creation page as shown in the below screenshot