Some scorecards and widgets are defaulting to a future date and show 0 as scoreIssue The dashboard widgets and scorecards are showing 0s as scores for a future year instead of the current year as expected.CauseOne of the job collection for the indicator is set to collect for the future dates, leading to no scores for the same. However, based on the indicator setting to show 0.0 value when nil, causes the widgets to show 0s on the scoresheet and scorecards. The setting "Relative end" on the daily collection job is set to a negative number causing the collection to run for future dates. ResolutionNote that the already collected data for future dates will remain as is and the admin user will need to delete those scores from scoresheets for the affected indicators. To change the setting on the collection job not to collect for future dates, you can take following steps: 1. Go to Performance Analytics -> Automated Indicators 2. Open the indicator record that is showing scores in future dates. 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and open the related list tab: Jobs 4. Click to open the job details. 5. Review the "Relative end days ago" settings on the job. Remove the negative number and set it to 1.