How to configure the Knowledge Result widget to remove the article summary textIssue When clicking on Knowledge in the service portal, by default on every knowledge article you will see the summary text. There is no OOB way to remove the summary, the only possible way is to customize the OOB widget.ResolutionNavigate to "Service Portal > Widgets"Open the widget KB Category Page / Remove the following lines: In "Body HTML template" <div style="max-height: 3em; overflow: hidden; padding-top:4px;" aria-label="{{::c.getShortenText(kb_article.text)}}">{{::kb_article.text}}</div> In "Client controller" comment out these lines /* c.getShortenText = function getShortenText(text) {var wordsArray = text.split(" ");if (wordsArray.length > accessWordCountMax)wordsArray = wordsArray.slice(0, accessWordCountMax);return wordsArray.join(" ");}*/ Click "Save" and flush the instance cacheGo to the portal and click on Knowledge, notice the summary text will be gone. Related LinksKeep in mind that it is not generally recommended to modify any OOB widgets. When you upgrade, the "KB Category Page" will be skipped.Once you make these changes, it applies to all the KB articles. It is not specific to one KB article.