The average score displayed on dashboard does not match the average calculated manually from the values of the records in the "records" tab.Issue The average score displayed on a dashboard does not match the average calculated manually from the values of the records in the "records" tab.CauseThis is expected because, when you apply the time series aggregation (for e.g average) on the dashboard, it will apply the "average" on the "daily scores" of that month. The records tab holds the sys_id of the records that contributed to this "daily average" calculation during the time of collection. For example, let us assume a Daily Data Collection Job collects scores of an Undicator which calculates the average of the "values" created for records on that day: 1st June Rec A 1 Rec B 2 The score would be: 1.5 i.e (1+2)/2 2nd June Rec C 3 Rec D 4 Rec E 5 The score would be: 4 i.e (3+4+5)/3 On the dashboard, when you choose the time series aggregation as Month average, it will apply the average on the "daily scores" collected for that month: Hence on the dashboard, for the month of June, it will be 2.75 i.e (1.5+4)/2 But on the reports tab, this comes from [pa_snapshots] table where we store all the sys_ids that "contributed" for this score calculation on the time of collection. So, we will display the records along with the current (live) data: Rec A 1 Rec B 2 Rec C 3 Rec D 4 Rec E 5 If you calculate the average of the values above which is 3 will never be equal to the average of the daily scores. ResolutionIt is working as expected.