Discovery Failed Exploring CI Pattern :Netscaler - FCIssue Discovery Failed Exploring CI Pattern :Netscaler - FC Error:Failed Exploring CI Pattern, Pattern name: "Partitioned NetScaler - FC"Identification Engine: Discovery status is FAILURE, Discovery using patterns failed due to lack of existence of the main CI type in the results.ReleaseMadrid Patch 2CauseReviewing one of the Discovery Source record found below warning: Warning: No shell detected and probe parameter 'allow_unsupported_shells' is set to 'false'ECC Queue: UNIX - Classify Further reviewed Pattern "Partitioned NetScaler - FC" and found its custom created.Tried to Debug Infrastructure Pattern, however there was no MID server available.After setting custom pattern Active to False, tried quick discovery and this time it used SNMP Probe.However, with a warning "SNMP probe timed out. Target is either unreachable or there are no valid credentials for it"ResolutionThere are 3 Out of the box patterns available for Netscaler Load balancer. So it is suggested to use Out of the box pattern while they check custom pattern. Netscaler Load BalancerNetscaler Load Balancer NS.CONFNetscaler Load Balancer SSH The SSH credentials work to authenticate on the device, however as the NetScaler SDX is not a full Unix/Linux client, it is not recognized as a supported shell. So the way it should work is, the SNMP classify runs, classifies it as a NetScaler Load Balancer, which triggers a probe, that is actually a horizontal pattern, that runs commands known to the device.