Localization issue: User reference field on asmt_assessment_instance table does not work as expectedDescriptionLocalization issue: User reference field on asmt_assessment_instance table does not work as expectedSteps to Reproduce Install plugins: Assessment & I18N: Russian Translations-Open the sys_user table dictionary.-Update the type as Translated Text for both first_name and last_name fields-Open any sys_user record and add the field Name to the form layout-Create new user record with following details :User ID: eng.userFirst name : EngLast name: User-Now switch the language to 'Russian' from the global settings.-Open the user record, which is created from above step.-Now update the record with the User ID: Russia.user & First Name as Russia-Now go to the asmt_assessment_instance.list and click on any syrvey name under Metric Type column.-It opens the Survey definition form, click on Assign Survey button-Search with the word Russ in the User reference field on the pop-up.-It gives the result with Eng user and select this user which we just created.-Go back to the asmnt_assessment_instance list and open the just assigned record.-It shows the Assigned to value as Russ User on list and form but when we click on the preview icon next to Assigned to field it shows the preview window where we can see the Name as Eng UserExpected behaviour: Both on the form and list assigned to field should display as 'Eng USer' It works fine when we switch to Russian language.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available.. Related Problem: PRB1333762