Unique Key violation detected by database Duplicate entry for key 'random_canonical_hash_inde'Issue Description This may happen, for example, when a new software model is created with selecting a product with the following properties: There is a record in Company [core_compay] table.The company name is the same as the name of the publisher associated with this product.The company record Normalized column value is false. Software Model from gives error like "Unique Key violation detected by database ((conn=978) Duplicate entry '+sA1cK1qA6NHmJ1gDkGbJQ==' for key 'djyeyqzt_canonical_hash_inde')"ResolutionComplete Normalization Data Services Guided Setup by follow document. That will make the existing Company data normalized and the company record can be used for publisher on software model form. If the above doesn't help, then delete the company record with the same name of the publisher which is associated with the selected product. Make sure the company record Normalized column value is false. After the record is deleted, when a product is selected on software model form, a new company record with Normalized column true will be created during in the background and the new company record will be filled in publisher field automatically.