Unable to change Raised For (Caller ID ) for Incidents created on 'Guest' userIssue Unable to change Raised For (Caller ID ) for Incidents created on 'Guest' user. When the users try to change the caller ID for the incidents created on the Guest user using the lookup icon, it will not display any records from the sys_user table instead shows only the Guest user account.CauseThe issue happens because of the User ID configuration, which has the incorrect company record. For example: The user has the company as ' X' associated with his ID, however, the company has been deleted from the system. When checking the dictionary entry for the caller field, the dependent value is shown as 'company' https://<your-instance>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=%2Fsys_dictionary.do%3Fsysparm_query%3Dname%253dincident%255eelement%253dcaller_id%26sysparm_query_encoded%3Dname%253dincident%255eelement%253dcaller_id%26sysparm_referring_url%3Dincident.do%253fsys_id%253dcd2a89f9dbf93f004dec91f38a961954%254099%2540%26sysparm_view%3Dadvanced%26sysparm_view_forced%3Dtrue Since the user company is not existing in the instance, it causes the issueResolutionTo fix the issue users can remove the dependent value from the sys_dictionary of that field.