[CMDB IRE] How to run the CI identification on demand using the payloadIssue While debugging the CI IRE, we may need to run the CI Identification and reconciliation using the payload. This article explains how you can run these. Procedure Assume that you have the CI payload that is being sent to the CI IRE(or createOrUpdateCI). If you don't know how to get the CI payload which is being sent to the IRE, please see the KB "How to check the data/payload being sent to IRE and check the issues with the payload" to retrieve the payload.Now, we have the payload then either you can use the simulator to simulate the CI identification and reconciliation and/or use the below steps. Please note, if you want to check any issues while committing the DB then use the below steps as this is the way you are making updates to target record.Goto Application Navigator >> System Definition >> Scripts - BackgroundSample Payload looks as below var payload = { items: [{ className:'<<CLASS_NAME>>', values: { name: '<<CI_NAME>>', serial_number:'<<CIs_Serial_NUMBER>>’ } }] }; Run the below code. /* Replace the variable as below: YOUR_COPIED_CI_PAYLOAD: This is the payload we copied from step#1 OR your generated payload. YOUR_DATA_SOURCE: Replace this with your intended data source like ServiceNow, SCCM, ImportSet, etc. */ runCiIdentificationReconciliation(); function runCiIdentificationReconciliation() { var payload = YOUR_COPIED_CI_PAYLOAD; var input = new JSON().encode(payload); var output = SNC.IdentificationEngineScriptableApi.createOrUpdateCIEnhanced('YOUR_DATA_SOURCE', input,{}); // If you dont wanted to use the Enhanced IRE engine you can replace the above line with below: // var output = SNC.IdentificationEngineScriptableApi.createOrUpdateCI('YOUR_DATA_SOURCE', input); gs.print(output); } Analyze the outcome using the error codes Identification engine error messagesReleaseGeneva and newerRelated LinksHow to check the data/payload being sent to IRE and check the issues with the payloadIdentification engine error messagesHow the CMDB Identification and Reconciliation Engine works when passing a CI (as payload) to the createOrUpdateCi()