KB Articles in Service Portal do not display in the KB Categories Widget page if user criteria do not allow to read one record in the current windowDescriptionIn the Knowledge Service Portal, all viewable articles are not displayed on the KB Category Page widget if the user fails user criteria for one or more articles in the category.Steps to Reproduce Have at least 12 articles in a knowledge base under the same category.Add user criteria to one article that the test user will not pass.Impersonate test user and navigate to the service portal (sp) knowledge base. On the KB Categories - KBv3 widget note the number of articles that are contained in the test category.Select the category and note that the Show More option does not render although the number of current records does not match then number on the KB Categories - KBv3 widget.Scope the widget data in the browser console and manually edit the showMore attribute and limit, to force the Show More to display on the widget.Select Show More and note more articles are rendered.WorkaroundThis problem is fixed in an upcoming release. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In section to determine the latest version with a permanent fix your instance can be upgraded to. If an upgrade is not possible, follow the workaround below: Edit the KB Category Page widget. https://<InstanceName>.service-now.com/sp_config?id=widget_editor&sys_id=fb5d068cd7610200a9ad1e173e24d400&spa=1In the Server script, AFTER the below line : var kbs = kbIds.split(','); ENTER the code below: data.kmSearchOrder = gs.getProperty("glide.service_portal.honor.knowman.search.order", "false"); data.KbArticlesSortBy = gs.getProperty("glide.knowman.order.search", "relevancy"); In the Server script, REPLACE : data.items = $sp.getKBCategoryArticleSummaries(data.category, data.limit + 1 , 250);WITH the code below : data.items = getKBCategoryArticleSummaries(); In the Server script after the below line : data.showStarRating = showStarRating();ENTER the function below: function getKBCategoryArticleSummaries() { var kbSortObj = { "views": "sys_view_count", "relevancy": "relevancy", "sys_updated_on": "sys_updated_on" }; var kbFields = "sys_view_count,author,rating,sys_updated_on,sys_id"; var obj = { keyword: '', start: '0', end: data.limit + 1, language: '', variables: { 'kb_category': [data.category], 'kb_knowledge_base': kbs }, knowledge_fields: kbFields, social_fields: '', category_as_tree: true, attachment: false, resources: '', order_desc: true }; if (data.kmSearchOrder) obj.order = kbSortObj[data["KbArticlesSortBy"]] + ',' + obj.order_desc; var resultDataList = (new KBPortalServiceImpl().getResultData(obj)).results || []; var kbFieldsList = kbFields.split(','); if (resultDataList.length > 0) { resultDataList.map(function(resultData) { if (resultData.meta) { for (var i = 0; i < kbFieldsList.length; i++) resultData[kbFieldsList[i]] = resultData.meta[kbFieldsList[i]] ? resultData.meta[kbFieldsList[i]].display_value : ''; } if (resultData.snippet) resultData.text = resultData.snippet; }); } return resultDataList;} Change 4 : In HTML Template, REPLACE <a ng-href="?id=kb_article&sys_id={{::kb_article.sys_id}}">{{::kb_article.title}}</a> To: <a ng-href="{{kb_article.link}}">{{::kb_article.title}}</a> Related Problem: PRB1345917