Date or Date/time variable throws console error TypeError: Array.prototype.some called on null or undefined in Service PortalIssue When clicking the date picker icon for a Date or Date/time Type variable, and then losing focus on the field, it causes a console error that reads: TypeError: Array.prototype.some called on null or undefined An error indicating a missing required field (the Date field) is also generated when in fact one has been set. Consequently, the form will not be allowed to submit because of missing mandatory fields The required info error can be cleared by clicking inside the Date/Datetime field and hitting ENTERReleaseAllCauseThis may be caused by loading duplicate code functionality relating to the 'moment', or 'timezone'. This usually happens when bringing in a Widget Dependency and its UI Script file from a third-party application.ResolutionThe interfering, third-party Widget Dependency is usually named 'moment.js', and disabling its UI Script can solve the problem. You can locate the UI Script by navigate to the sys_ui_script table and perform a search with the parameters: <Display name> <contains> <moment>