Service Mapping schedule is showing incorrect value for duration field in discovery_status tableIssue discovery_status table showing wrong duration value. (duration != Updated - Created)ReleaseLondonCauseWhen the Discovery Schedule job is triggered, it updates records in the sa_endpoint_status to state=0 "Waiting for Rediscovery". A scheduled job "Service Rediscovery Scheduler" iterates through the records in small batches and triggers re-discovery of the endpoint. The batch size is controlled by sys_property "sa.rediscovery.batch_size". By default, this is set to 20. If the "sa.rediscovery.batch_size" is set too low it will allow Discovery to complete the triggered work before the next batch of work is started.ResolutionRevert this property "sa.rediscovery.batch_size" to out-of-the-box (OOB) value which is 20. This would allow work to be continuously started and not run into the case where Discovery runs out of work to do.Related LinksThis is how discovery station duration calculation SHOULD work. 1) When the completed count is equal or greater to the started count of a discovery_status record the event "discovery.complete" (not "discovery.phase.complete") is triggered. 2) When the even processor scheduled job runs, it will evaluate the Script Action "Discovery Status Duration" on the event 3) Duration is calculated as current.duration = gs.dateDiff(current.sys_created_on.getDisplayValue(), event.sys_created_on.getDisplayValue(), false); where current = discovery_status GlideRecord, event = sysevent GlideRecord