Using Chart Colors for a report based on the Metric Result table Issue Example of using Chart Colors for a report based on the Metric Result (asmt_metric_result) Table.ResolutionI. Define the color for the report data categories. For this example, the chart colors will be based on the 'Display' column or element of the asmt_metric_result table.There will be 4 entries based on the following values (Satisfied, Very Satisfied , Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied). Navigate to Reports ➔ Chart ColorsClick on NewPopulate the record as shown in the image below:Complete the rest of the Chart Colors entries. Following should be the Chart Color entries for this example.NOTE: Below are sample records via the asmt_metric_result table with relevant values (i.e. Satisfied , Very Satisfied) that will be used in this example. II. Create the Report. Navigate to Reports ➔ Create NewConfigure the report based on the following: Source Type = TableTable = Metric Result [asmt_metric_result]Type should be PieGroup By = Metric Definition * DisplayAggregation = Count Run the report and following image shows the Chart Colors used for the different metric definition display values. NOTE: That the Chart Color's Element value is used to display the specified color. This needs to match the Group By in the Report. For this example, Element value is 'Metric definition Display' which matches the Group By value - 'Metric definition * Display'.Related LinksRefer to the following documentation: Chart ColorsCreate a Pie Report NOTE: This has been tested on a London release using DEMO data.