Users are able to catalog items on Catalog page, but not on Popular Items pageIssue Many times users report that few users are not able to see catalog items on the 'Popular Items' widget, but if they go to the category page, there it is visible and they can submit the itemReleaseQuebecCauseThere is a difference of code which shows the Popular items and the actual catalog items. In the popular items, the logic is to check if the user has read access to the sc_cat_item table or not, which the user was failing.However, on the category page, it only checks if there are any user criteria present to prevent any users to view or not. So, verify the User Criteria present on the catalog or the catalog item itself. ResolutionAs a solution, customer can create a copy of the ACL that was failing, modify it to grant access to the sc_cat_item table, and make the copy active. Related Links In Kingston Patch 7 onwards and in London, the widget's code has been changed. It now looks for only User criteria and not ACL (access control list). So in KP7, the customer would not need to change any ACL. A good read on User Criteria: Apply User Criteria to items and categories