The business service map displays the warning icon: No active MID Server found for IP X.X.X.X due to incorrect use of MID server selection algorithmIssue The business service map displays the warning icon instead of the load balancer CI. The following error message is displayed: No active MID Server found for IP X.X.X.XReleaseKingston and newerCauseService Mapping does not find a MID Server which matches the parameters used for selecting MID Servers for a discovery job.Service Mapping is not using the correct algorithm for its deployments.ResolutionLook into this KB0622808 - Resolving a failure to find a MID Server for an IP address and make sure the MID server meets all requirementNavigate to Service Mapping > Administration > PropertiesEnable the legacy algorithm for the Kingston deployment Related LinksNeed to rescan the Business Service after enabling the legacy algorithmDocumentation Choose MID Server selection algorithm