CMP - Resource Operations are not visible at User Portal DescriptionCloud Management Platform allows creating own Resource Operations: Add a resource operation to the execution plan Similar to OOB Resource Blocks which are allowed to create our own operations, we also have the ability to create Resource blocks from ARM templates: Create a catalog item from an ARM template, Once the ARM template is validated successfully, we can review the ResourceBlock and the Catalog item created and ready to provision Issue The Catalog Item created from the Catalog Item gets provisioned successfully, at the User Portal we can view the Stack and Resource details as below. According to the behavior, the Stack will have its own operations as "Deprovision" "Stop" and "Start" Soon after we provision, the Resources (Appserviceplan & Webapp) will not be having Resource Operation because the Resource does not contain the operationsAs per the requirement, we will need to Create Resource Operations under the Newly created ResourceBlock from the ARM Once we create the Resource Operations, the user portal does not display the newly created operations. The issue to understand and fix is that How to get the Resource Operations Visible CauseServiceNow CMP store new/unknown resource types in cmdb_ci_cmp_resource table.As the Newly created ARM Resources have no specified classes, creating Resource Operations the ResourceBlock created by the ARM will be affected or Visible. In order to get the Resource Operations which are associated with the cmdb_ci_cmp_resource table, we will need to create the Resource Operations on the "Cloud Resource" Resource Block. ResolutionOn an affected instance: Impersonate a user with privileges to create a Resource OperationNavigate to Cloud Admin Portal > Design > Resource Blocks > Cloud Resource (By default no Interface or Operation is available) Create a Guest InterfaceOperations > Newly Created Guest interface > Create an Operation (Provided the API logic as per the requirement)Navigate to Cloud User Portal > Stacks Choose the Stack created from the ARMHere we can see the Operation.