Virtual Agent - Slack Integration -- Japanese labels will be gibberishDescriptionSlack does not show Incident ticket information labels correctly in User's defined LanguageSteps to Reproduce 1. Navigate to OOB London Instance. 2. Install Japanese Plugin and Virtual Agent and Slack integration plugins. Virtual Agent - com.glide.cs.chatbotJapanese Language - com.snc.i18n.japaneseVirtual Agent Topics - com.snc.itsm.virtualagentInstall Slack Integration Messaging Apps. Publish "Open IT Ticket" topic Change User language to Japanese. 5. Say Hi to Virtual Agent. 6. Select "Open IT ticket " , Give short description , priority. 7. Incident will be created, Incident information will be displayed in an Image. Expected - Incident information labels should be in Japanese. Actual - Incident information labels are having garbage value.WorkaroundThis issue is under review. If you are experiencing this problem, contact ServiceNow Customer Support. Related Problem: PRB1309412