Group by and Stack by on "Variables" is not possible when creating a Bar report on Catalog ItemsDescriptionCreating a Bar Report on the Catalog items (i.e. sc_item_req table), it is not possible to choose the "Variables" field to stack by or group by. According to the documentation, this should be possible: Group a report by service catalog variables – Report DesignerSteps to Reproduce Navigate to Reports > Create New.For Data > Enter a Report Name, Source Type = Table, Table = Requested Item [sc_req_item] as an example.For Type > Under heading "Bars", choose Bar and Group By issueFor Configure > For Group By, enter "Variables" in the search bar.Select Variables, then the item you wish, notice the last dot-walked menu shows "No Results" The same issue exists when performing the above steps on the Stacked by field.When Selecting the Configuration of Grouping By "Variables" or Stacking By "Variables", we see it is not possible to choose if we have text entered in the Search bar: WorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. Suggestions to workaround the issue are the following: Scrolling down to Variables allows you to choose this for the Group-By option and still remain on the new UIUsing the Classic UI does not have an issue. However, we do not recommend using the Classic UI.Avoiding entering text in the filter and simply navigating down to each option allows the user to pick a variable. The issue only exists when the user has typed a value in the Search bar. I.E. search for "var" and it will not work as the string is filtering the dot-walked value as well. Instead scroll down to variables, select it, and you can see the items, then variables correctly. To enable this Classic UI: Navigate to Systems Properties -> sys_properties.For Name, search "" and select the record.For the Value on the record, change value to "Active" and click Save/Update.Navigate back to your report and you will see the "Switch to Classic UI" on the header (next to save).Click "Switch to Classic UI" and group by/stack by "Variables".You will see it is possible for you to Stack By and Group-by "Variables.Related Problem: PRB1341929