How to bypass SSO login in the CSM portalIssue When you have Single Sign-on (SSO) login configured on your instance with Auto-Redirect IdP set, you may have a requirement where you do not want to be redirected to the SSO login page after you open the CSM portal (/csm) and click on 'Login' at the top-right corner of the page. You may follow the procedure given below to achieve this requirement. Procedure Navigate to sp_instance.list from the Filter Navigator.Search for ID=login-modal-customerserviceOpen this record.In the "Color, Placement, Size" tab, update the "Additional options, JSON format" field with the following and save it. { "show_panel":true, "bypass_sso": { "value": "true", "displayValue": "true" } } After making this change, when you navigate to the /csm portal before login and click on 'Login', you won't be redirected to the SSO login page. When you open the instance base URL, you will be redirected to the SSO login page. ReleaseApplicable to all releases