How to Configure Service Portal as your instance login pageIssue This article will show you how to configure the Service Portal as the primary login page for your instance. Once complete, all unauthenticated users will be directed to the service portal to log in. Procedure 1. Go to the sys_properties table and find the property Note, in some instances this property may need to be created. If that is the case, create it as a string-type property. In most instances, however, this will be set to new CMSEntryPage().getEntryPage() by default. 2. Set the property's value to new SPEntryPage().getLoginURL(). Once set, this property will cause the platform to invoke a script include called SPEntryPage to determine where users should go to log in so the next step is to configure that script include to point to your portal. 3. Open the SPEntryPage script include and edit line 22 by changing the "/sp/" to use the URL suffix for your portal instead of the default "sp". 4. Configure the login page for your portal by navigating to the sp_portal table and locating the portal you wish to use for login. Then ensure that the login page field is set to the page that you want to use for login (this needs to include the login widget) or, the base system "landing" page. Related LinksJust because users are logging in through the Service Portal login page, does not mean they are going to be sent to the Service Portal. This is defined by a separate system property and will depend on the URL they are trying to go to. This simply determines the login page.This will not prevent users from accessing the platform UI. After login, they will be able to use the instance as normal depending on how you have configured post-login redirection. This is an all-or-nothing approach. It is not possible to redirect some users to the portal, and others to the platform, or certain users to one portal, other users to another. This is because the user will not currently be logged in - the system does not have a way to know anything about an unauthenticated user in order to decide how to direct them.