NOW-DSC-DOMAIN_TABLE_WRONG_PATHNOW-DSC-DOMAIN_TABLE_WRONG_PATHSeverityErrorRoot Cause Paths are replicated in data tables along with the reference to the domain (this is done to improve the speed of record queries).The path changes when: a domain reference changes, ora domain structure changes. These path changes must be replicated in the data tables that reference the changed domain. ROOT CAUSE: When the update of the path fails or takes too long, the path in the data table will not match the path of the domain. EffectThe effect of mismatched paths is that data that is expected to match the domain path but doesn't will not be visible to users in the domain. Additionally, this data may become visible to users not in the domain.Corrective Action Fix domain table sys_domain_path values: Determine which of the two attached scripts you will need: To validate table data and fix any inconsistencies: Validate_and_Fix.txtTo simply validate data without fixing inconsistencies: Only_Validate.txt Ensure that you are in the global domain.Navigate to System Maintenance > Scripts - Background.Cut the script from the attachment file and paste it into Scripts - Background.Locate the TODO comment in the script code.On the line below the comment, replace INSERT_TABLENAME_HERE with the name of the domain-separated table on which to run the script.Click the Run script button.The script is complete when you see a message that starts with either: Data validation successful or Data validation unsuccessful