<h2>NOW-DSC-DOMAIN_CONTAINS_TOO_MANY_RECORDS</h2><br/><div style="overflow-x:auto"><table style="height: 263px;" width="640" cellpadding="5px"><tbody><tr><th colspan="2" bgcolor="#FAE6E6"><span style="color: #9d0010; font-size: 15px; padding: 5px;">NOW-DSC-DOMAIN_CONTAINS_TOO_MANY_RECORDS</span></th></tr><tr><th align="left" width="30%"><span style="color: #9d0010; font-size: 15px; padding: 5px;">Severity</span></th><td style="vertical-align: top;">Warning</td></tr><tr><th align="left" width="30%"><span style="color: #9d0010; font-size: 15px; padding: 5px;">Root Cause</span></th><td>There is a specific threshold below which domains that contain other domains can run with optimum performance. Domains identified in the audit meet or exceed that threshold.</td></tr><tr><th align="left" width="30%"><span style="color: #9d0010; font-size: 15px; padding: 5px;">Effect</span></th><td>As domains are added to points above that threshold, memory usage on the instance becomes burdened, affecting performance.</td></tr><tr><th align="left" width="30%"><span style="color: #9d0010; font-size: 15px; padding: 5px;">Corrective Action</span></th><td> <ol style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>Log onto your instance.</li><li>Navigate to Domain Separation Center.</li><li>Select the Errors widget.</li><li>Open the User Visibility Invalid Records audit record and take note of the sys_ids listed in the detail.</li><li>Navigate to the domain_contains.list.</li><li>For each sys_id in the audit Details list on the right, evaluate the need for each domain in the Domain Contains record.</li><li>Make appropriate adjustments and rerun the audit.</li></ol> </td></tr></tbody></table></div>