HTML Entity names not displaying in Notification previews and Email previewsIssue Using HTML symbol entities such as &minus, &excl, &check in the notification scripts (email scripts) would not display the symbol in Notification previews and Email previews. ReleaseAny Release CauseService Now doesn't preview the HTML symbol entities in notifications and emails, but when the email is delivered to the customer, their mail clients (OWA on MacOS and Windows, Outlook on MacOS and Windows, MacMail, Thunderbird, Outlook on iPad, Outlook on Android) all display the actual symbol for all HTML entities. It's only the Notification preview and the Email log preview within ServiceNow that has an issue rendering the actual symbol.ResolutionThe issue can be resolved by using hex codes in the mail script instead of the symbol entities. For example, the following hex codes are used for &minus, &check, &excl symbols. ! = ! − = − ✓ = ✓ You can look up codes/entities here: