How to identify a slow widget on a pageIssue This article will help you determine exactly which widget on a service portal page is slow in a very concrete and easy way. Procedure Copy this script: (async () => { let threshold = 1000; // only show load times for widgets higher than this value (in milliseconds) var wa = $("div [widget='widget']").css("border", "1px solid red").css("padding-top", "20px").css("position", "relative") let widgetTable = []; let wmk = []; for (var i = 0; i < wa.length; i++) { let widgetEntry = {}; $0 = wa[i] let scope = $($0).scope(); try{ var widget = scope.widget; } catch(e){ console.error(e); continue; } var timing = 0; let elem = $("<div style='position: absolute; top: 1px; left: 1px'><a target='_blank' href='/$" + widget.sys_id + "'> " + + "</a> </div>"); var printScope = $("<a href='javascript:void(0);'>Print scope </a>").on('click', function() {; }); elem.append(printScope); =; widgetEntry.rectangle = widget.rectangle_id || 'undefined'; widgetEntry.sys_id = widget.sys_id; let id = scope.widget.rectangle_id + "_" + scope.$id // if this is not a nested widget, go ahead and refresh it. if (!scope.$parent || !scope.$parent.widget) { var widget_name =; var t0 =; await scope.server.refresh(); var t1 =; timing = "<div style='float:right;color:red;' id='" + id + "'> Load Time: " + parseInt(t1 - t0) + " ms.</div>"; widgetEntry.load_time_ms = parseInt(t1 - t0) || 0; elem.append(timing); } // add a button to refresh manually. var loadTime = $("<button style='border-radius: 50%;'> ⟳ </button>").on('click', function() { var widget_name =; let id = scope.widget.rectangle_id + "_" + scope.$id var t0 =; scope.server.refresh().then(() => { var t1 =; timing = "<div style='float:right;color:red;' id='" + id + "'> Load Time: " + parseInt(t1 - t0) + " ms.</div>"; widgetEntry.load_time_ms = parseInt(t1 - t0) || 0; if ($('#' + id)) { $('#' + id).remove(); } elem.append(timing); console.log("Call to " + widget_name + " took " + (t1 - t0) + " ms."); }); }); elem.append(loadTime); $($0).append(elem); widgetTable.push(widgetEntry); } widgetTable.sort((a, b) => (a.load_time_ms > b.load_time_ms) ? 1 : -1); var slow = widgetTable.filter((e, i, w) => { return e.load_time_ms >= threshold; }); let mkdn = `|Name|sys_id|rectangle_id|Load Time Ms| |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| ${, i, widgetTable) => { return `|${}|${widgetEntry.sys_id}|${widgetEntry.rectangle}|${widgetEntry.load_time_ms}|`; }).join("\n")}`; var doCopy = function() { var el = document.createElement('textarea'); el.value = mkdn; el.setAttribute('readonly', ''); = { position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px' }; document.body.appendChild(el);; document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(el); } var elem = `<div style="float: right; z-index: 1; position: relative; left: -50%; /* or right 50% */ text-align: left; padding:10px"> <h2>${(slow.length > 0)?"Slow Widgets:" : "No Slow Widgets Found!"}</h2> <table style="padding:3px; display:${(slow.length > 0)?"table":"none"}"> <tr><td style="padding:3px;" >Name</td><td style="padding:3px;">sys_id</td><td style="padding:3px;">rectangle id</td><td style="padding:3px;">load time ms</td></tr> ${, i, widgetTable) => { return `<tr><td style="padding:3px;">${}</td><td style="padding:3px;">${widgetEntry.sys_id}</td><td style="padding:3px;">${widgetEntry.rectangle}</td><td style="padding:3px;">${widgetEntry.load_time_ms}</td></tr>`; }).join(" ")} </table> <button onClick=${doCopy()} style="display:${(slow.length > 0)?"table":"none"}">Copy Markdown</button> </div>`; $('body').append(elem); })(); Open the portal page which is slow.After the page loads open the javascript console (command + option + j), then paste the above script and press enter. By default, this script will output any widgets which take 1 second or more to load. This can be changed by changing the value of the threshold variable defined at the top of the script. Each widget on the page will refresh. A colored box will be displayed around each widget containing the time it took to load (in milliseconds).Additionally, a table will be shown at the bottom of the page to display the widgets which were either at or above the threshold time (in milliseconds) and in that table, you will see a button to copy the table as markdown to your clipboard automatically. Related LinksWorth noting, this does not automatically refresh any embedded widgets as these are often dependent on parameters passed from the parent widget. These can be manually refreshed afterward if needed. In addition to the red outline on the widgets and a display of their load times, this will add the name of the widget, a button to print the scope of the widget (see what data is loaded), and a button that will refresh the widget and update the load time after the refresh finishes. The widget name will be a clickable link to open the widget in the widget editor.