Clicking on the number of catalog items within the global search on CMS returns the message "Security constraints prevent the display of this record."DescriptionBuild name: MadridBuild date: 02-25-2019_1807Build tag: glide-madrid-12-18-2018__patch1-02-13-2019Issue Description:When doing a global search on the CMS and then clicking on the group number for the amount of catalog item returned, this results in a new page where the following message is displayed:"Security constraints prevent the display of this record."The URL ends up navigating to the to Reproduce 1. Navigate to the CMShttps://<instance_name> Type "Test" in the global search box in the top right 3. On the search results page, scroll down to the catalog items returned4. Click on "Catalog Items - #" just above the listing of catalog items where # denotes the number of items returnedExpected behavior- Taken to the page showing the results from the searchActual behavior- Taken to a page where the following message appears:"Security constraints prevent the display of this record."WorkaroundNavigate to the Detailed Contentshttps://<instance_name> up the "Portal - Catalog Detail" recordFor the field 'Model document' click on the lookup iconSelect a catalog item which is active and save the record Related Problem: PRB1330815