Retired Article Appears as Published in Global Search Results by Non-Admin Users Using KB NumberIssue Non-admin users are able to see retired articles as 'Published' when they search with KB number.CauseAdmins are typically granted access to retired KB articles by default, whereas regular users are unable to access these articles through a Global Text search unless an admin has specifically provided them with read access to retired records. Reference: KB0657420: Global Text Search is returning inactive and retired KB articles for admin users Nevertheless, this principle is disregarded when searching the KB using its number. This performs a precise search rather than a text search. As a default, there are a few Access Control Lists (ACLs) on the platform that provide all users with read access to the KBs, even if the document is retired. This only applies to exact searches. There exists an Access Control Rule that allows table-level access for viewing KBs (accessible via the following URL). This rule is activated when an exact search is performed and does not adhere to the search group conditions for the global search. In brief, the exact search and the general global text search operate with some differences. Consequently, users will see the published version of the retired KB if they search for it using the KB number. ACL Link: are two different options you can use that are provided below. Please make sure to test either of these options in a non-production instance as they change access to the kb_knowledge table before moving to the prod instance. Option 1: Disabling the ACL: would eliminate the aforementioned issue.However, by default, admins have access to view all types of KBs. This workaround is intended for non-admin users. Option 2: The above workaround might affect the ability of the other users to access the KB if there is no other read ACL to see the content on kb_knowledge. In that case, an alternative workaround would be to keep the below ACL active and add a filter in Data condition as shown in the screenshot below. This way non-admin users will only be able to search for the published KBs in the Global Search and retired KB will not pass this ACL so Global Search will not show the KB details in the search bar. ACL: Related LinksGlobal Text Search is returning inactive and retired KB articles for admin users Community discussion: Retired Knowledge articles in Global search