Events from the NNMi connector show "State" as "Error" and the "Time of Event" field would be "empty" or "Invalid_value".DescriptionEvents from the NNMi connector show "State" as "Error" out and the "Time of Event" filed would be empty.Release or EnvironmentKingston, LondonCauseFor a few events, they may not have milliseconds information in the time of the event field, as this value is missing we see the following error and the state of the event will be in "error". time_of_event: Invalid value.ResolutionFrom the Navigation Filter go to Event Management -> Connector Definitions.Open "NNMi" connector -> Open NNMIEvents_JS script.Replace line 398var msec = parseFloat(m[9]); with var msec = parseFloat(m[9])|0; With this change, if the milliseconds in the time of event is empty it will consider that as a "Zero".