"Set default knowledge field values" feature does not work as expected with HTML in Text field.Description "Set default knowledge field values" feature/fields does not behave the same as a Template. Using HTML for the Text field renders properly with a Template, but not the default values on a Knowledge Base record.Steps to Reproduce From a Knowledge Base record, go to "Set default knowledge field values", choose "Text", and enter HTML (see attached "Knowledge Base with defaults.png").Create a template for a KB article with the same HTML from above (see attached "Template setup.png").Create a new KB article and set the "Knowledge base" field to the Knowledge Base from above. A dialog will appear to confirm that you want to set the default values. Note: This dialog is very messy/busy when HTML is in the Text field. (see attached "Default value dialog.png"). Click "OK".The KB article's text field is populated with the HTML in the field, rather than the formatted text (see attached "Defaults applied.png")Apply the template created above. The "Text" field shows the formatted text (see attached "Template applied.png"). I WorkaroundUse the platform's template feature (Toggle bar) instead: https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=t_ToggleTheTemplateBar.html&version=latest or upgrade to a version where fix is available. As of the Paris release a permanent solution is still under evaluation. Related Problem: PRB654629