Text Analytic historical collection does not refresh the word cloudDescriptionThe historical collection on indicators with text analytic does not update the world cloud widget.Steps to Reproduce Pre-requsite: PA Premium is enabled. On an OOB London Patch 5 instance. This can be reproduced in Kingston too. Create Text Analytic on indictoar source "Incidents.Open". Navigate to: Text Analytic > SetupSet: Indicator source = Incidents.OpenSet: Fields to analyze = short_descriptionSave the record and add indicator " Number of Open Incident" to the indicator list. Click the Run Historical Collection UI action to collect the text indexes.Create a Word Cloud widget on indicator "Number of Open Incidents" and add it to a dashboardOpen the dashboard and note there should be some text index collected, and there is the text index of "Performance" in the Word Cloud. Also note the total number of record with the text index. OOB London, it should be 31.Modify the Indicator Source "Incident.Open" or the indicator "Number of Open Incident", add a condition to filter out the incident which has keyword "Performance" in Short Description field . Add condition: Short Description Does Not Contain "Performance"Create a PA collection job to collect past 30 days data for "Text Index" only on indicator "Number of Open incidents"Run the job to collect, wait for the collection to complete and make sure no errors in the collection log.Load the dashboard created in step 4. Word Cloud still shows "Performance" and total record is still 31. Expected result: Performance not show in the Word Cloud and Total Records should be 28 Check the collection job regarding the query against the indicator source, it does show "short_description not like '%performance%' and message like storing text index.SELECT task0.`sys_id` FROM task task0 WHERE task0.`sys_class_name` = 'incident' AND ((task0.`opened_at` >= '2019-02-12 08:00:00' AND task0.`opened_at` <= '2019-02-13 07:59:59') OR task0.`opened_at` < '2019-02-12 08:00:00') AND (task0.`a_dtm_2` IS NULL OR task0.`a_dtm_2` > '2019-02-13 07:59:59') AND task0.`state` != 8 AND task0.`short_description` NOT LIKE '%Performance%'Storing Text Index for indicator source Incidents.OpenThe collection was re-run after deleting the records collected pa_text_indexes records manually, this updated the Word Cloud.WorkaroundIf there are already record in the table pa_text_indexes for the indicator and the dates that are recollected they are not updated in the historical collection. You can manually delete the existing pa_text_indexes records for the combination of indicator and dates and re-run the Historical Collection job to recreate new pa_text_indexes with the refreshed data.Related Problem: PRB1326557