Delete Recovery fails | Rollback is not in a 'recorded' state | Recovery execution may not have finished successfullyIssue When trying to perform Delete recovery from the "sys_delete_recovery" table and the recovery may fail. One of these errors below may be encountered RollbackExecutor:Rollback is not in a 'recorded' state: actual state=[reverting] RollbackExecutor: Another rollback is currently being reverted:c11c8.... Recovery execution may not have finished successfully, skipping finalization: 00fg66...... Sample Error message #1 (sys_rollback_run record) Sample Error message #2 Sample Error message #3 ReleaseLondon and later.CauseA record was deleted either from a fix script/background script/delete UI Action. When trying to rollback the transaction by navigating to the sys_delete_recovery module, it fails. This is due to PRB1308489Resolution 1. Go to "sys_delete_recovery" table and choose the record intended for recovery that is failing. Copy the value from the field "Rollback Context" (starts with BAK) 2. Go to the "sys_rollback_context" table and filter Number = <BAK# copied in previous step>. Backup the record as XML. Also, copy the sys_id of this record. 3. Go to the "sys_rollback_run" table and filter Number = <BAK# copied in previous step 1>. Find the record that still has the value State=Running. Backup the record as XML. Also, copy the sys_id of this record. 4. Execute the below script substituting the sys_ids copied from step #2 and step #3 var context_sysID = 'ENTER_SYS_ID_FROM_STEP_2';var run_sysID = 'ENTER_SYS_ID_FROM_STEP_3';// Nothing below this line needs to be modifiedfixContextState(context_sysID); function fixContextState(context) { var gr1 = new GlideRecord('sys_rollback_context'); if (gr1.get(context)) { gr1.state = 'recorded'; gr1.update(); } } fixRollbackState(run_sysID); function fixRollbackState(run) { var gr2 = new GlideRecord('sys_rollback_run'); if (gr2.get(run)) { gr2.state = 'finished'; gr2.update(); } } 5. After this step please go to the "sys_progress_worker" table and filter out State = Running for the corresponding rollback context. Set the state to "Cancelled'. A sample screenshot below: Related LinksSometimes the error messages that pop up in the UI are not helpful (ex:Sample Error message #3 screenshot). There is another Problem created to make the error messages more meaningful: PRB1328037 - "When an attempted rollback from "delete recovery" module fails it does not show a meaningful error message"