Service Portal: How to change text "How Can we help ?" and how to change its font and style ? Issue Q. How to change title of "How can we help?" on service portal ? [screenshot as below] Procedure Navigate to widgets ➔ Homepage SearchGo to its related lists ➔ Instances ➔ Open Instance record and change title to your desired name.Another Quick way to do this:- Right click on text bar and go to Instance options and change title. Q. How can you change text inside textbar for "How can we help?" Procedure Navigate to widgets ➔ Homepage SearchClone this widget and give it your desired name. Open your new widget and inside "Option schema", change title to whatever name, you would like to keep. Options parameter are passed to typeahead search widget and it shows title as per parameter. Make sure your cloned widget has been added to right page. Q. How can you change font and style of "How can we help?" text inside search text Procedure Navigate to widgets -> Typeahead SearchClone this widget and give it your desired name. Open your new widget and inside CSS, apply CSS to placeholder. for ex,. input::placeholder {color: red;font-size: 1.1em;font-style: italic;font-style: bold;}