Discovery identification fails with error: Abandoned due to too many errorsIssue Pattern discovery of a device fails with error "Abandoned due to too many errors".ReleaseAll currently supported releases.CauseMultiple identification error when processing dependent CI(s) in the payload passed to the Identification and Reconciliation Engine.ResolutionReview the system logs, at the time of the error, to find the actual error causing the discovery to fail. Navigate to "System Logs > System Log > Errors".Filter for "Source = identification_engine".Filter by created date to match the time the inputs were processed. The review of the logs may lead to an error such as: identification_engine : IDENTIFICATION_RULE_FOR_LOOKUP_MISSING Identity Rule for table [cmdb_ci_hardware] missing Lookup Rule for class [cmdb_serial_number] From the above, we see the actual error in all caps is "IDENTIFICATION_RULE_FOR_LOOKUP_MISSING". The next step is to search for the error/solution on the following link: Identification engine error messages For the example error, we see the description/solution to be: Description:The payload has a lookup class name, but the corresponding lookup rule is missing.Resolution:Add lookup identifier entry with [Search on table] as [abc] for CI Identifier for table [xyz].