Updating Company Code / Vendor Code / Vendor Prefix (glide.appcreator.company.code) for an instanceDescriptionCan the Company Code or Vendor Code or Vendor Prefix stored in the System Property [glide.appcreator.company.code] be changed?ResolutionThe code or prefix is just a partially random string generated for each company based on the company name. However, the code must be unique on the ServiceNow Store so that developed Scoped Applications can be linked to the Company. For this reason, the generated code might be different from what you would expect. For example, if your company name is 'National Bank', the generated code could be 'nb'. But if this code has been assigned to another company already, the generated code could be 'nab' or 'nba', etc We don't support changing the Company Code / Vendor Prefix prefix for a number of reasons: Any existing development of Scoped Applications will be broken (old Vendor Key and new won't match).Instance alignment will be broken.Upgrades of existing Applications will be broken.