Make a field mandatory in an embedded list.Issue It is possible to hide a field in embedded list. This KB will help you to understand the steps to do it.ResolutionMark the Mandatory checkbox in Dictionary Entry of the field.Then Create a Data Policy for the field. For example: Open any incident form.Go to Form Layout and get any embedded list in the form (for example Task->Parent)Mark 'Assigned To' field in the Task table as Mandatory.Now, create a Data policy in Task(task) table for the field 'Assigned to'.Go to the incident form and try to save the form without providing a value in the 'Assigned To' of the Task table embedded list. The below error message will pop up: "Error MessageThe following mandatory fields are not filled in: Assigned to" There is no OOTB (out of the box) configuration that can indicate a column(in list view) of an embedded list as Mandatory input.