Save button is not showing up on the form widget under the Service PortalIssue While viewing any record (such as an incident) through the form widget (id=form), the Save button does not show up which is usually seen at the end of the form. CauseThere is a UI action that is called through the widget to populate the Save button on the form.https://<instance_name> When there is a UI Action Visibility set for the UI action for a specific view (such as the default view), the button becomes visible for only that view.Now, the service portal opens up a record in the service portal view. Due to the above-mentioned UI Action visibility rule, the button does not appear on the service portal. Resolution 1. Go to the below URL to check the Visibility imposed on the UI action: https://<instance_name> 2. Check if there are Visibility already set for the UI Action for any other view and if so, create a visibility entry for the Service Portal view as well in order to allow the UI Action to appear on the portal. If there is a UI Action Visibility set to Exclude the Service Portal view, revert it. Related LinksFind more on UI Action Visibility here: UI Action Documentation