Poppulating requested_for field on request/RITM form with the user selected value on the catalog formIssue Out of Box requested_for in sc_request is user created the request. The Value comes from the dictionary settings for requested_for in the sc_request table as the dynamic filter used is "Sender".ResolutionCreate a new business rule as below - When to run: Before (Insert) Table: sc_request Assumption: we have u_requested_for variable on the catalog item (function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) { var grRITM = new GlideRecord('sc_req_item'); grRITM.addQuery('request', current.sys_id); grRITM.query(); while (grRITM.next()) { if (!JSUtil.nil(grRITM.variables.u_requested_for)) { //considering u_requested_for is a variable on form & is not empty current.requested_for = grRITM.variables.u_requested_for; } grRITM.update(); } })(current, previous);Related LinksThis is the part of customizations and would be owned by the customer.