How to configure SCCM Import to use IRE (Identification and Reconciliation Engine) and Datasource PrecedencesIssue Out of the box, IRE (Identification and Reconciliation Engine) is partially used by SCCM, in transform map "SCCM 2012 v2 Computer Identity".It's used in the sys_id script, to check whether a CI exists. Since it doesn't do update directly, the Datasource Precedence rules are not used. The onBefore script in below link should NOT be used for SCCMApply CI Identification and Reconciliation to Import Sets Workarounds Please note: We have developed new SCCM integration that uses IRE and RTE (Robust Transform Engine) (SG-SCCM). Please try to setup new SCCM integration unless you have specific needs to use legacy SCCM. If the aim is to make sure SCCM doesn't update CIs that were created/updated by Discovery, then the transform maps can be modified to check on the discovery_source field of the CIs: if discovery_source value is 'ServiceNow', which means updated by Discovery, then SCCM will skip this record. Attached "SCCM 2012 checking" is a demonstration of how this can be achieved. The demonstration is based on SCCM 2012 v2. Below is the list of modifications made: ***Transform Map: SCCM 2012 v2 Computer Identity modified field mapping sys_id ***Transform Map: SCCM 2012 v2 Operating System modified field mapping sys_id ***Transform Map: SCCM 2012 v2 Processor modified field mapping sys_id ***Transform Map: SCCM 2012 v2 Disk modified transform map script ***Transform Map: SCCM 2012 v2 Network modified transform map script For SCCM 2016, make similar modifications to the relevant files.Related LinksSCCM Integration transforms do not use the 'Identification & Reconciliation' engine for the CI Inserts/Updates, causing e.g. bypassing of the Precedence rules