When a report is drilled down the filter can display the incorrect dynamic filterDescriptionWhen Multiple Dynamic Filters exist using the same reference table, the report drill down shows the lowest ordered dynamic filter, rather than the selected dynamic filter used within the reports conditions. Steps to Reproduce 1) Navigate to system definition > business rules > create new:name = Our Shared Funcsscope= this application scope onlytable: globalactive: trueadvanced: trueScript:function getCustomerSupportGroup() {return '0270c251c3200200be647bfaa2d3aea6';}2) Navigate to system definition > dynamic filter options > create new:label: Customer Support Groupscript: getCustomerSupportGroup()field type: referencereferenced table: sys_user_grouporder: 100active: truereference script: Business Rule: Our Shared Funcsavailable for filter: true3) Navigate to reports > create new:Name: Dynamic Filter Swaptable: incidenttype: piecondition assignment group is dynamic "One of My groups"group by assignment group4) Click the icon in the top left corner of the screen which looks like a chart to bring up the report structure.5) Click on Add drilldown:Name: Active incidentstype: semi donutgroup by: active6) Save and share the report:everyonerole: itil7) Impersonate user Beth Anglin.8) Navigate to reports > view/run.9) Open report "Dynamic Filter Swap" and run the report.10) Click in the pie chart on one of the assignment groups to drilldown.11) Click in the semi donut to drill down to the list view.12) Expand the filter condition.Notice the wrong dynamic filter condition is displayed in the filter, using is dynamic "Customer Support Group" instead of "One of My Groups".WorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. Related Problem: PRB1320990