Global search for "aed" does not return the search resultsIssue Doing a global search for the word 'aed' does not return results from Catalog Item table even when there is a record in sc_cat_item with 'aed' as meta word.If we go to the list of catalog item table and go a 'for text' search for the word "aed", we see the ambiguity message as below :"Your text query contained only common words or ambiguous wildcards, please refine your search and try again"ReleaseAll VersionsCauseThe issue is happening because we strip off "ed" from the term "aed" and we are left with a single character "a" which is too broad a search term. The same issue happens with "oed" as well. This is the expected behavior with how searching works.ResolutionTo resolve the issue, we can use quotes "aed" instead of aed and results are returned as expected. The search works fine in this case because when quotes are used, the text search look for the literal term and does not do the stemming.