Comments field entries do not get updated on the Activity Stream on alm_asset or any child table of that (alm_hardware)Issue Whenever any data is added to the Comments field, it is not visible in the Activity stream. But the data which are added through work notes get added to the activity stream. CauseBy default, the Comments are not added to the 'Configure Available fields' funnel icon. Hence any comments updated are not shown in the activity stream. Steps to reproduce: Go to alm_hardware table and open any record Notice that the comments field is on the 'General' tab and Activity(filter) is on the 'Activities' tab Update something on the comments field and save/update the record. It will not be visible on the Activity stream. Update something in the work notes field. It will be visible in the activity stream.ResolutionAdd the comments field from the 'Configure available fields' funnel icon to the selected slush-bucket.