Survey assessment is blankIssue Take Assessment renders a blank page.Take Survey renders a blank page.Survey email link renders a blank pageCausePossible Causes: The read ACLs for asmt_assessment_instance were customizedAn assessment metric is inactive or pointing to a different assessment categoryThe UI page "assessment_take2" was customized and threw an Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: com.snc.assessment_core.questionset.AssessmentQuestionSet3.ResolutionCheck if the UI page "assessment_take2" was customized and try to revert it to the out-of-box (OOB) versionCheck if the read ACLs for asmt_assessment_instance were customized and the users are not passing these ACLs. (Check on the UI page is already OOB and the users are passing the read ACLs for the asmt_assessment_instance, do a "Debug All" as an administratorImpersonate the user who has the blank survey issueCheck the debug logs when loading the assessment survey and check for 'java.lang.NullPointerException' that may cause rendering issue for the pageSample logs: 17:38:09.863: Time: 0:00:00.000 for: testinstance_1[glide.4] SELECT ... FROM (sys_ui_message sys_ui_message0 INNER JOIN sys_metadata sys_metadata0 ON sys_ui_message0.`sys_id` = sys_metadata0.`sys_id` ) WHERE sys_ui_message0.`key` = 'Survey question 2?' AND sys_ui_message0.`language` = 'en' /*...*/7:38:09.867: java.lang.NullPointerException: java.lang.NullPointerException: com.snc.assessment_core.questionset.AssessmentQuestionSet.load( com.snc.assessment_core.TakeAssessment.doTag([...] Check the logs for the corresponding assessment metric before the error was encountered Check the assessment metric if it is inactive or if it is pointing to a metric on the same Assessment categoryIf it is active, check the Depends On field of the assessment metric Check if this metric is active or it is pointing to a metric on the same Assessment category