Disable SSO auto redirection for some Portals to local login while still keeping SSO authentication for othersIssue The Login widget for Service Portal or any other Portal will be redirected to Single Sign On (SSO) when the following conditions are satisfied: If the user is not logged inMultiSSO is enabled using the "glide.authenticate.multisso.enabled" system propertyDefault IDP is set using the "glide.authenticate.sso.redirect.idp" system property Use Case If you have SSO and want to implement a portal (like the Vendor Portal) where you don't want the Vendor Portal to do SSO login but directly land to it URL (eg, https://<instance-name>.service-now.com/vdp) and do Local Login BUT still want other portals to go through SSO authentication. ResolutionMake sure your instance is using the Multiple Provider Single Sign-On Installer plugin for SSO authentication and the glide.authenticate.multisso.enabled system property is enabled.Set the $sp sys_public page to true. NOTE: This is a global configuration which will make all the Portal pages public and to make sure that the different Service Portal pages (which do SSO authentication) still go the SSO login and are not public, you will need to make sure that there is an OOTB "Login page" associated to them. To make sure that the SSO authenticated Portal doesn't go to the SSO login we will still need to make sure that "Login page" associated to it (which is there OOTB) and will need to: 1 -Clone the OOB Login widget associated with the Portal. 2 - In the cloned Login widget comment this line containing the glide.authenticate.sso.redirect.idp property in the Server script and save the widget: data.default_idp = GlideProperties.get("glide.authenticate.sso.redirect.idp"); 3- Edit the Portal page that has a field "Login page" and open up the login page referenced4 - In the login page, go to the section named "Page Content" - Click on the link: 'instance: Login (xxxxx), this opens up the widget instance 5 - In the widget instance page "Login", go to the bottom field named "Widget" in section Widget6 - Edit the field 'Widget" and replace the OOTB Login widget reference with Login_custom (the widget cloned is step 1) (Note: You can also use the Widget Designer.)