Customize the VTB error message UI Policy Violation/A UI Policy has prevented you from making a change in different languages.Issue Error messages such as 'UI Policy Violation' & 'A UI Policy has prevented you from making a change' shows up on the Visual Task Boards when users try to make any changes to VTB cards [or] move a VTB card from one column to another. As the above-mentioned messages are generic, end users might find it difficult to understand these messages as they are not into technical aspects of ServiceNow (UI policies, Client Scripts etc.,) ReleaseParisCauseWhenever a UI (user interface) policy prevents an action on a VTB (visual task board), error messages like 'UI Policy Violation', 'A UI Policy has prevented you from making a change' are displayed to the user. The most common example of this would not be filling out a mandatory field when moving a VTB card from one state to another.ResolutionIf customers would like their users to see a different message, Please create new records in 'sys_ui_message' table with the following values: Key: UI Policy Violation Language: English Message: < Custom Message> Key: A UI Policy has prevented you from making a changeLanguage: English Message: <Custom Message> However, please be noted that this solution is purely for achieving this specific business requirement and creating these new message records will always display the custom message instead of 'UI Policy Violation' across all VTB's irrespctive of tables/records whenever this event is triggered and UI policies are violated.