CMDB (Configuration Management Database) Identification Error: Insertion failed with error Error during insert of table nameIssue Discovery of the device fails at identification.with the message-classified but not identified. Error message in the discovery logs-CMDB (configuration management database) Identification Error: Insertion failed with error Error during insert of table name(e.g cmdb_ci_linux_server in case we are seeing the error while discovery of linux servers)Causesys_id is set as a mandatory field on the base cmdb_ci table . If sys_id is set as a mandatory field, IRE uses sys_id to find a record in the cmdb,instead of performing identification based on Identification Rules. It searches for sys_id in the input payload and since it does not find any, it fails at identification.ResolutionRemove sys_id as mandatory field on the related table, so that identification goes through normal identification rules.