Connect Chat does not focus on new messages and scroll down to the messageDescriptionWhen a user scrolls to the top of the Chat conversation, if a new message is sent from the support agent, the chat does not focus on the new message. The end user does not know when there is a new chat if the user has scrolled up.Steps to Reproduce 1. Open a chat using Connect Support.2. Send several messages back and forth until a scrollbar has been added to the Chat.3. As the end user, scroll to the top of the chat conversation.4. As the support agent, send a new message to the end user.From the end user perspective, the Chat window will not focus to the new message.WorkaroundThis is working as expected and by design. If the user has scrolled up to read a message and the screen constantly scrolls away from that message they are trying to read, then it would be a bad user experience. The user will need to scroll back down when ready to view new messages. Related Problem: PRB1310499