Filtering using the 'Where clause' in database viewsIssue This article will explain the use of the 'Where clause' in a database view and how to apply a filter on the data. Use of the 'Where clause' The 'Where clause' in a database view is primarily used to specify join conditions. It cannot be used to filter based on field values (ex. 'Active' = 'true'). ResolutionA before query business rule can be used to achieve the desired filtered results as an effective WHERE clause. Table: Database View NameAdvanced: checkedWhen: beforeQuery: checkedScript:examplecurrent.addQuery(“prefix_field", "value");orcurrent.addQuery("inc_category", "software");current.addQuery("inc_category", "hardware"); // repeat for as many conditions as you wish to addNOTE: You can also use an encoded query: var query = "inc_sys_created_onONLast 6 months@javascript:gs.beginningOfLast6Months()@javascript:gs.endOfLast6Months()";current.addEncodedQuery(query); Related LinksDatabase view creation